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Candles and Candle Accessories

Krampus or Kringle Candle

Krampus or Kringle Candle

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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Dodge the Krampus with a promise to be good. Hey, it could work!

Stack the odds in your favor to avoid the Krampus in 2023 with this offering and any act of good service to show him he's been wrong about you all along and the light is still very bright in your soul.
 Size: 2.5"x 6.5" Pillar
 Burn Time: 80 hours in a candle holder
 Color: Black
 Scent: Nostalgic Leather and Wood
Kris Kringle teaches us that charity begins with us. A kind word here, an unexpected gift there, goes a long way to someone who's in dire need.
 During this season of joy and harmony, light this candle as a beacon to Kris Kringle, the ambassador of all the love and kindness that flows from the universe. Recommit to being a part of the Kris Kringle energy for another whole year.
Size: 2.5"x 6.5" Pillar
 Burn Time: 80 hours in a candle holder
 Color: Green
 Scent: The scent of Christmas past
Remove all packaging before lighting. 
Never leave a burning candle unattended.
Place in a fire safe container.        
 Keep away from drafts, flammable objects, children, and pets. 
 Coventry Creations all the work for you – each blend of herbs and oils is specially chosen to complement the intention
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